Recommended Screen Time: The World Health Organization (WHO) strongly advises thatĀ children under one year of age should not have sedentary screen time at allĀ and children younger than 5 should be limited to just one hour (or less) per day.

Ages: 0-6 months

Suggested language activities:

  • Bath time: Start talking to your child while you bathe them. Talk about washing hair, scrubbing your feet, etc.
  • Toys: teething rings, objects with different texture, appropriate toys that can go in the mouth. Choose toys with bright colors and patterns. Also look for different textures and different sounds.
  • Tummy Time: start 3 to 5 minutes a couple of times a day.

Ages: 7-12 months

Suggested language activities:

  • Toys: Play at this age with simple toys, blocks, cars, etc. Toys will find their way into the mouth so keep that in mind.
  • Games: Play peek-a-boo with your child
  • Books: reading simple soft or cardboard box to your child. Let them hold and play with them. They will likely end up in their mouth at some point, and that is ok.
  • Puzzles: Find simple wooden puzzles, two or three shapes to start.

Ages: 13-18 months

Suggested language activities:

  • Read books
  • Pretend games with toys: have a picnic, play cars, play trains, tea time
  • Do puzzles
  • Hide and seek object game

Watching our children grow

Milestones 0-12 months

Milestones 12-18 months

Milestones 19-24 months

Milestones 2-3 years

Milestones 3-4 years

Milestones 4-5 years

Milestones 5-6 years

Helpful links

American Academy of Pediatrics: Screen Time

World Health Organization: Keeping Children Active

Centers for Disease Control: Screen Time vs Lean Time

Printable resources